Friday, November 9, 2012

Halloween 2012

"Mom, for Halloween I want to be a witch. For Halloween I want to be a princess. For Halloween I want to be a pumpkin. For Halloween I want to be a Monster High. For Halloween I want to be Tinkerbell. For Halloween I want to be a cheerleader. So that's what it cam down to...a cheerleader. Lame. I was a cheerleader for 7 years so that doesn't even seem like a costume or fantasy to me. Not to mention, I have like 10 cheerleader uniforms in a box somewhere. I wasn't about to spend money on one.

BUUUUT, Oakley rocked it and she LOVED rah rah rah'ing all night long! We took the girls to trunk-or-treat and then back to our house to trick-or-treat. High on sugar, we took Kadynce back to her mom and finally got Oakley to sleep. Oakley already has plans of being Bat Girl next year. Yeah right, like THAT idea will stick around for a full year.

This is my uniform from 7th grade. Go American Fork Redskins!!

The LadyBug and Cheerleader

The day before Halloween we took them to the Punkinaze on 1900 West in Ogden. It's such a cute place for kids with a giant slide and an easy corn maze. We had a lot of fun hiding in the corn rows and scaring each other.

Oh, I DID get a picture of JD. See his head?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Me!

September 18, 2012
I turned 24!! Okay I lie. I turned 25. I've always had it set in my mind that when I was 25 I would be finished with college and have a career. I would be getting ready to get married and not have any kids, yet.
OBVIOUSLY I do things a little backwards. I have 1 of my own kid plus a Kadynce, I'm not engaged (ehemmm, JD...), I'm not finished with college, and my job is not very good at paying me good.

I told JD that I was going to stay 24 and he told me "Well, your car insurance will go down when you turn 25."  YES!! I got excited; he knows exactly what to say to make me feel better ;)

Then I got to thinking:
I am one year closer to having everything I want. Not to mention, 25 sounds pretty sexy and sophisticated ;)
I am very grateful and happy at where my life is, no matter what age I am. Although I am letting life take it's natural course, I am motivated to get the things I want and the things my family wants.
I AM in college, I DO have a job, I LOVE my kids, and I LOVE my future husband. Again, I am grateful to have all these things in my life.

I will post all of my gifts, thank you's, and celebrations in a later day after I go shopping again ;)

This is how my actual birthday took place:

JD slept in to tell me Happy Birthday before he went to work (I'm sure that wasn't his plan, but it was a pretty good excuse for sleeping in a little). I begged and begged, but Oakley would NOT tell me happy birthday before I dropped her off at daycar. Little brat! I got happy birthday texts and Facebook posts. My co-employees gave me a gift card for ColdStone Ice Cream; they know me all too well. People at work told me happy birthday. I decided I needed a birthday lunch so I left work at 12:30 and JD met me at Good Wood for lunch where I ordered a yum adult lemonade. After lunch we went shopping! By shopping I mean JD followed me around the whole mall and I only bought a couple things, all in one store. Not a shopping day for me, I must try again this weekend! More happy birthday texts and FB posts. We picked up the girls. I begged Oakley again. Fail. BUT Kadynce told me!! Aww it was so sweet! I poured me some wine, put on The Voice and cuddled with JD whenever he wasn't taking care of the girls- my day off!! After they ate they came and cuddled, too! We then went to Spoon Me and got my free birthday ice cream!! Did you know they did that on your birthday? I sure knew!!

I love my birthday and all the "Happy Birthdays" I get!

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Can Run?!?!

I started running about 5 months ago just to keep in shape and build some endurance for hunting. I have NEVER ran before in my life and never had any intention to run. In fact, in high school when we were suppose to run the mile, I found a way to get out of it. Yeah, I was THAT bad! Hate hate hated running!

So, I started on the treadmill and was quickly able to run a mile at a pretty fast pace. I was SO surprised! I would think to myself, "Where did this come from? Maybe I've just been a sissy my whole life and running isn't all that bad." I was right! A couple months after running about a mile and half 3 days a week on the treadmill, I got asked by Susan to go on a run up Ogden Parkway by Dinosaur Park. We got done and she said we had gone about 5 miles. WHOA!!! Are you for real? I was very surprised with myself! I think I found my new addiction. Thanks Susan.

About 3 weeks before Peach Days I decided to sign up for the 10K. 6.2 miles! I have only ran 5 miles ONCE. I did a bit of training (nothing I should have been doing) and September 8 came quickly. I was so nervous the day of the race. I ran 4 miles two days before and the 5 miler three months before. All the other times were only 2 or 3 miles.
I told myself that I would NOT walk the and I will do it in under 70 minutes.

I started the run and was moving pretty fast. I was nervous because I didn't want to burn all my energy so I slowed; so I thought. My GPS running app told me that my second mile was 8:44. I thought "Whoa, that is too fast for me! BUT, I feel great so I'll keep it up!" Mile 3 said: Lap time 8 minutes and 34 seconds. "You go girl!"
Mile 4: "Oh no, here come the hills. I have never done hills before."  "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry came on in my headphones. "Okay Katy, keep me going. Let's do this!"  I did those hills like a champ and set my fastest lap time of the race.

Running with other runners and having people in cars and on the side of the road hoot and holler and give high fives was SO fun!! FUN? Running? Yes, it was so fun!!!

Mile 5 was complete. "One more mile, let's make the fastest one yet!"  The last mile was a slight up hill and it was HARD! Holy moly I didn't think I could do it. I kept telling myself "Keep running, there is absolutely no point in walking now!"  So I did. I saw all the people at the finish line and I put in for a spring and came through the lights at 54:53. Yeah baby! Way better than my goal time and it was SO amazing!! I have never been so proud of myself because I never thought I would even a mile and I just did 6.2! I know I will only get better and maybe soon I'll do a half marathon.

My mom, step dad, and girls came to see me at the end and gave me flowers! Ahh cute! Thanks guys!

I was shocked when I got my race results. 7th place in my age group out of 23. Woo Woo!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wedding: Rylee & Justin

My little cousin, Rylee got married!
September 7, 2012
@ Thanksgiving Point

Isn't she gorgeous?!

I have got to hang out the Justin a couple of times and I am happy to say that I am a fan! Justin is so great as a person and as Rylee's husband. Good pick, Ry!

The wedding was so amazing and so fun! I am keeping names and ideas for when my time comes :)

I LOVE this picture! I want it on a big canvas on my wall!

Kadynce found a boyfriend!

Cutest little boy ever!

Oakley looked so cute in her flower girl dress! Her attitude was not so cute. She stopped half way down the aisle whined that she wanted her sucker. I guess that bribery wasn't a good idea...

I caught the bouquet!!! I have been trying ALL summer long at 8 weddings and I finally did it!! WOOOOOOO!!!

Wedding: Ashley & Eric

Eric is JD's ex wife's little brother. Did you keep up with that? BUT, I refer to them as my friends because that's what they are!

Eric and Ashley were married on August 10, 2012 in American Fork and then had another reception the next day in Plain City. Both were very beautiful!

The reception Saturday night was such a blast. We danced to a band and the whole party was playing in the pool. Thank you Ashley and Eric for wanting me there and being supportive. I love you both!!!

Wedding: Tasha & Zane

My little cousin, Tasha got married to Zane!!

The wedding was in Brigham City at The Cottage on August 9, 2012.

Beautiful fun wedding that was perfect for Tasha! She had a bounce house for the little kids- fun!!

She was so beautiful and I am so happy for her!!

Thanks for the pic, Audrey!

And a picture of Oakley looking cute in her dress:

Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Birthday Kadynce! "2"

Kadynce is 2 today!!

I can't even begin to express how blessed I am to have her in my life. 2 years ago JD's life changed forever when his beautiful daughter was born. My life also changed forever because I knew I would get to share the parenting role.

People always ask me if it's hard to have a "step-daughter". I tell them no, I treat her and love her just as I treat and love my own daughter. Oakley has a sister and a best friend. My parents have another grand daughter. They love Kadynce the same amount they love Oakley.

We are all so happy to have Kadynce make us laugh and bring us joy!

A view from Kadynce's world as she turns 2 today:

I love to flip and climb on everything! They are starting to call me 'Monkey'!
I love to play with "Oatey" (Oakley).
I repeat everything that everyone says! (even bad words).
I'm starting to put sentences together.
I am very polite. I always say "tank you"
My favorite word is "Dat" (dad). Datty loves when I say it over and over and over again. So much that sometimes he ignores me :)
I love shoes.
I love to play with babies.
I love to ride the lawnmower and anything else with a motor.
I love camping.
I eat a lot and always ask for milt and juice.
I HATE being in the car for a long time.
Sometimes I have a temper and throw fits.
I get a little confused and always wear my sunglasses upside down!