Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lunches, Bowling, Softball, Sod, Camping

Here is a catch up of the last couple weekends :) ...

I've had lunch with Heather, Kristie, and Lindsay. I guess it was catch up with friends week! It was really nice to see them. 2 of them are preggers and I'm so happy for them!

Oakley asked Lindsay, "Is your baby going to come out in 6 minutes?"  She kept rubbing her belly. I think she wants her mommy to have a belly ;) haha!

We did some bowling:
I had THEEEE cutest pictures of Oakley bowling and I just deleted them off of my phone. I am so bummed right now :(

JD has a softball tournament:

Kay kept saying "ball ball"!

Between games we had to come home to lay sod. We woke up at 6 am Saturday and started our day...Tad showed up to help; I can't thank him enough, JD really needed him.
So imagine this: Sod, softball game, sod, softball game, sod, sod sod!!

Extremely heavy sod!

I couldn't lift the grass, but I helped with the shovel and got dirty in the morning. After I got ready for the day I didn't help so much, I stuck to driving the prowler. BUUUUTTT I did some pretty good shoveling for an hour in the morning :)

The driver was very important. Promise!
Hot and sweaty workers.


Twinners again!
 Oh...somebody finally decided to come over and help?
All it took was a little free beer-couragement and we had a whole crew!!

They needed a Monkey Butt break?? Must have been some tough labor!

They found a frog in our yard

Sara and I were working really hard :)  By the way.. That grass we are on is new to our backyard!!!

Oh look...I did move a couple pieces, go me!!

JD, Tad, and the other guys worked really on Saturady and I am SSOOOOO excited to have some grass!!! The girls will finally get to play in the backyard. Can't wait until it's finished! (JD and Tad were so sore from laying sod and playing ball all day! poor boys)

Later that night we camped:

Some of us had more fun than others...

WHAT?!?! Who says we can't camp in the driveway? Whatever!

Oakley was a hippie:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter Bunny Time

Why I didn't take any pictures Easter morning is beyond me. Ugh!
Natasha, Kirk, and Charlie came over early so Charlie could help Oakley find her Easter eggs. The 2 girls opened their baskets then we all ate the yummy breakfast I made- Apple Crisp (Pinterest, of course).

After the Hess's left, we went outside because it was such a beautiful day. It couldn't go to waste.

Oakley rode her scooter and bike.

JD washed sleds

I did homework...
An online oral presentation due on Easter!!?? Are you kidding me?? (Yes, I had a week to do it, whatev!) After 5 hours of homework, I rewarded myself with a big BBQ full of salmon, shrimp, and steak. -yeah, I ate WAY too much!!

Kadynce spent her Easter in Palm Springs with her momma, so she got her Easter gifts on Tuesday.

JD's race at Beaver Mountain last weekend:

Awesome pic!! Too bad it ended with broken rear axles and he didn't quite make it to the top of the hill. It was a cool jump to watch, though! He FLEW!!

I love when my pink trees are in bloom! Aren't they pretty? :)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Here I am..

Here I am...I just checked into a very nice Best Western in Logan. I'm all by myself with peace and quiet with my school books spread around me on this king size bed; perfect time for homework! Instead, I am blogging. Hello captain OBVIOUS!!

Besides blogging, I am updating the Sled2Sled.com website about every 30 seconds to see how JD's run goes. He is at Beaver Mountain and I am patiently waiting for him to get off the hill. (By patient I mean that I'm texting my cousin and facebooking friends in Logan to see if they want to hang out). Anyhow...JD already qualified for his first race, just waiting for the second. I'm nervous!

So, here's a couple things that have happened the past week:

1. I smashed my arm in my drawer at work. It looks like a Kadynce bite.

2. Kadynce is getting really good at using a spoon. I actually gave her milk with her cereal!

3. Oakley is doing pretty dang good at potty training. I got frustrated last week and told her to throw away her pull-ups. I can't afford them anymore!!! (I dug them out of the trash to use for night time). BUT now I have to buy panties because she's not so good at the poopoo-ing in the potty thing.

4. We cut down trees because we wanted the fire to be bigger. OOPS!

5. I am going to try to make my hair this color. I love it! (this picture actually doesn't do justice on the color)

6. Last night when I came up from changing the laundry I caught JD reading the princes book to Oakley. Aww, CUTE! Except he got in trouble because he "forgot to say the happily every after!"

SOOOO I'm not sure if JD just qualified or if he just missed the mark, I'm not sure how many racers they are taking! Awesome job, babe! We either have one or 2 runs in the finals tomorrow! Wish us luck! Yes, I said US!! Wish me luck so I don't pee my pants! That man makes me so nervous!!!!!

I am off to visit my beautiful cousin, Rylee. This loneliness got the best of me!