This definitely deserves a post:
Yesterday Oakley YELLED to JD and I (with an overly exaggerated facial expression), "Keelie is having a Justin Beaver on her birthday cake!" (she pauses for 3 seconds with her eyes big and mouth open- like she's SO excited) "I want a Justin Beaver birthday cake for my birthday, too!"
I said, "Oh really? What is a Justin Beaver?"
"Mommmmm, A guy that goes on brithday cakes!"

Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
I thought I would show y'all the pictures of the year. This is JD at the Afton Hillclimb a couple weekends ago. I was down below so all I saw was a cloud of snow. I heard over the intercom "that one gets 20 bucks!" which means it's the worst crash. I got a little nervous knowing if he was okay or not, and more importantly, knowing if the sled was okay - just kidding :) He made it down and said he got the wind knocked out of him, he will have a bruise on his hip, and he will be really sore, but he was okay! The rest of the day he got a lot "awesome crash dude" and knuckles. So now I can laugh at the pictures. Everytime I see them I still laugh, they are funny pictures! --poor baby!
Ride 'em Cowboy! |
Almost landed the front flip! |
Haha! All you see is legs. I love it!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
JD's Birthday
JD turned 31 yesterday (3/26)! Holy moly, it's a good thing he has a 24 year old MILF to keep him looking young. is it that men get better looking with age and they say women get worse looking? WTF that is a pile of bull crap! Oh well, he has 6 1/2 years on me which means I have 6 1/2 years of piling on the fake hair color, fake face, fake nails, fake tan, (fake boobs...) there's even fake eyelashes and toenails now! Oh the things we do to keep beautiful!
Speaking of men getting better looking- I have one sexy fella! ~He's sexy and I know it!!~
My favorite is when he puts his hat on backwards and drives away on the Harley. Ooh la la.
I got JD a Badlands 2800 Pack. That would be a hunting backpack. Not any ordinary hunting backpack; this thing is huge and expensive! I don't get it, but I knew he wanted it because everytime we went into a hunting store we had to look at it! TWICE. He could never get himself to spend that money; soooooo enter the BEST girlfriend in the whole world!! (That would be me). Really I just got sick of looking at it in the stores, so I bought him one! Spoiled little shit! But, he sure did give me an awesome 'thank you'. Bow chica wow wow! TMI, TMI !
Happy Birthday baby! The girls and I love you so much, you are the best!!
Side note:
The other day Oakley said "Mom, what in the hell are you doing?" Oops..that one may be my fault. I had to keep myself from laughing and explain to her that it's an adult word and she can say when she is a mommy. Kids say the darndest things! is it that men get better looking with age and they say women get worse looking? WTF that is a pile of bull crap! Oh well, he has 6 1/2 years on me which means I have 6 1/2 years of piling on the fake hair color, fake face, fake nails, fake tan, (fake boobs...) there's even fake eyelashes and toenails now! Oh the things we do to keep beautiful!
Speaking of men getting better looking- I have one sexy fella! ~He's sexy and I know it!!~
My favorite is when he puts his hat on backwards and drives away on the Harley. Ooh la la.
I didn't take any pictures yesterday. Nice.
I got JD a Badlands 2800 Pack. That would be a hunting backpack. Not any ordinary hunting backpack; this thing is huge and expensive! I don't get it, but I knew he wanted it because everytime we went into a hunting store we had to look at it! TWICE. He could never get himself to spend that money; soooooo enter the BEST girlfriend in the whole world!! (That would be me). Really I just got sick of looking at it in the stores, so I bought him one! Spoiled little shit! But, he sure did give me an awesome 'thank you'. Bow chica wow wow! TMI, TMI !
Happy Birthday baby! The girls and I love you so much, you are the best!!
Side note:
The other day Oakley said "Mom, what in the hell are you doing?" Oops..that one may be my fault. I had to keep myself from laughing and explain to her that it's an adult word and she can say when she is a mommy. Kids say the darndest things!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
St. Patrick's Day Weekend
I'm pretty sure that I am obsessed with blogging and I am probably doing it more for myself than for anyone else, oh well! This is my rendition scrapbooking. Love it, or don't visit my blog!
St. Patrick's Day weekend was SO fun! We put some green on and had a party!
Good morning, Grumpy! |
Green pancakes! |
Coloring with Auntie Sara |
Jungle-gym dad! |
Ugh, that was hard! |
Green tongue! |
Going to lunch! |
Monday, March 19, 2012
The Shred
A couple years ago I attempted Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. FAIL!!
I've decided to try it again! So far, I have completed 7 days. Only 24 more days to go! Oh boy, I'm so close to the finish -NOT!
Yesterday WOULD have been my 7th day buuuuuuut, my St. Patrick's Day party the night before was a little too much fun! Instead of doing 20 minutes of exercising, I took a 2 hour nap. ALSO, I had a couple yummy rolls from Texas Road Roadhouse, along with a sugared-up strawberry daiquiri! That's not all folks...later I had an oreo shake. OOPS! I got back on track today and did the workout. Day 7 was cake!!
Anyhow, I am posting about The Shred because I'm hoping if I tell people about it I will stick to it. 30 days seems like a long time, but it's only 25 minutes a day!! I think I can handle that. Oakley likes to exercise with me, so it's something I can do at home and still spend time with her. If she doesn't want to exercise then I tell her it's my time so DON'T BUG ME!
I was a little sore for the first couple days, but feeling sore feels really good!
Sooooo....who's with me? Let's do The Shred! Jillian Michael's is one bad ass chick, she wants to make you sore, too :) Please somebody do it with me, I'm so lonely in the shred world! Let me know if you do, then we can talk about it.
Click on this link to go to, search "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred" and buy it for only about $8! You will also need some hand weights. I use 3 pounders (I could probably use heavier ones on MOST of the exercises). I got mine from Wal-Mart a couple years ago.
There are 3 different workouts. I created a log in Excel that has 10 squares for each workout (10 days per workout). I printed it out and I write the date in a square each time I "shred". Also, on your sheet record your beginning weight and measurements and then your ending when you are done. I had JD take pictures of me so I can see the difference after 30 days.
I was going to put my log on here for downloading, but I don't know how. Does anyone know how to do that? Teach me!
Eating Healthy Tips:
Yes, I said healthy, NOT diet! I do not believe in diets. The food pyramid is very important; your body needs all the nutrition. Don't deprive it! OBVIOUSLY, I'm not the best at eating healthy (I hope my 24 year old metabolism stays with me forever! As if, right?). There are ways to "skinny" up everything. Eat whole-grain breads, reduced fat cheese, sugar free treats, etc. Most of my recipes don't taste very different if I use reduced fat and sugar free foods.
Want motivation? Or, just something to read everyday for entertainment? Check out Not only does this lady talk about her progress and help others be motivated, but she is so freakin funny! One time she talked about sharting while she was running- not shy at all! (Thanks Lacy for introducing me).
PS- Do you like Oakley's new sunglasses? SO CUTE!! $6 at Old Navy.
I've decided to try it again! So far, I have completed 7 days. Only 24 more days to go! Oh boy, I'm so close to the finish -NOT!
Yesterday WOULD have been my 7th day buuuuuuut, my St. Patrick's Day party the night before was a little too much fun! Instead of doing 20 minutes of exercising, I took a 2 hour nap. ALSO, I had a couple yummy rolls from Texas Road Roadhouse, along with a sugared-up strawberry daiquiri! That's not all folks...later I had an oreo shake. OOPS! I got back on track today and did the workout. Day 7 was cake!!
Anyhow, I am posting about The Shred because I'm hoping if I tell people about it I will stick to it. 30 days seems like a long time, but it's only 25 minutes a day!! I think I can handle that. Oakley likes to exercise with me, so it's something I can do at home and still spend time with her. If she doesn't want to exercise then I tell her it's my time so DON'T BUG ME!
I was a little sore for the first couple days, but feeling sore feels really good!
Sooooo....who's with me? Let's do The Shred! Jillian Michael's is one bad ass chick, she wants to make you sore, too :) Please somebody do it with me, I'm so lonely in the shred world! Let me know if you do, then we can talk about it.
Click on this link to go to, search "Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred" and buy it for only about $8! You will also need some hand weights. I use 3 pounders (I could probably use heavier ones on MOST of the exercises). I got mine from Wal-Mart a couple years ago.
There are 3 different workouts. I created a log in Excel that has 10 squares for each workout (10 days per workout). I printed it out and I write the date in a square each time I "shred". Also, on your sheet record your beginning weight and measurements and then your ending when you are done. I had JD take pictures of me so I can see the difference after 30 days.
I was going to put my log on here for downloading, but I don't know how. Does anyone know how to do that? Teach me!
Eating Healthy Tips:
Yes, I said healthy, NOT diet! I do not believe in diets. The food pyramid is very important; your body needs all the nutrition. Don't deprive it! OBVIOUSLY, I'm not the best at eating healthy (I hope my 24 year old metabolism stays with me forever! As if, right?). There are ways to "skinny" up everything. Eat whole-grain breads, reduced fat cheese, sugar free treats, etc. Most of my recipes don't taste very different if I use reduced fat and sugar free foods.
Want motivation? Or, just something to read everyday for entertainment? Check out Not only does this lady talk about her progress and help others be motivated, but she is so freakin funny! One time she talked about sharting while she was running- not shy at all! (Thanks Lacy for introducing me).
PS- Do you like Oakley's new sunglasses? SO CUTE!! $6 at Old Navy.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Births, weddings, birthdays
Recap of the last 2 years- Take 1
We have been through a lot together, so many emotions: sad, scared, stressed, frustrated, nervous, anxious, happy, and excited! Together we have observed deaths, births, weddings, and birthdays.
Let’s begin!!
Kadynce Lyn Driscoll: August 31, 2010
My hormones were so out of whack this day! JD was having a baby and experiencing one of the happiest days of his life while I was at work. It was so hard not being there with him to see his face the moment he met his daughter. I honestly didn’t think I could handle the stress any longer and wasn’t sure if I could still be with him. Then enter JD’s mom’s e-mail: she had asked if I was okay and told me to not give up: “Jd loves you and Oakley so much, please don’t give up.” I realized right then how much I really loved him and I wasn’t going to give up. I bought him a gift and waited until the next day to see him and watched his face light up when he told me about his new baby girl! J
Charlie Glenn Hess: December 22, 2010
Natasha called and said “We’re having the baby, going to the hospital!” I could NOT miss my first niece being born. I’ll be right there! Right there means 6 hours away to Bozeman , MONTANA !! What in the hell were Tash and Kirk doing living there? STAY IN UTAH !! Annnnyways…It was my dad and step-mom that took the initiative to decide that we couldn’t miss it. Us 3 left work and hit the road an hour later. (JD was sick so he missed this trip). We left for Bozeman on Dec. 21 (Happy birthday Daddy!) stayed the night and welcomed baby girl the next day. Such an awesome experience to watch the birth!
Such a big girl now! |
Ruby Sue
JD's cousins, Dashia and Jed, brought us a sweet little girl. She loves JD's hat and is an awesome cuddler!
Asher Austin Gray: May 15, 2011
My friend, Heather, had a baby boy! JD and I got to have lunch with Heather and Asher when he was only a couple weeks old!
Lindsay and Joey: August 20, 2011
We traveled to San Clemente , CA for my bestie’s wedding. It was held at her uncle’s bed and breakfast, just a short walk from the beach. We enjoyed a seafood dinner on the pier with her family, had manicures and sushi for lunch with the girls, then a beautiful ceremony and dance. I love you both so much!! (thanks for the pics, Linds)
Lacy and Jake: September 24, 2011
JD and I missed the wedding because we were in Disneyland , but we heard it was perfect! We did get to enjoy a bachelor/bachelorette/Lacy's birthday dinner with friends (that there is one big party!) I also went to Lacy’s bridal shower. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more perfect couple J (thanks for the pics, Lace)
My cousin, Alyssa, got married! Cute litte wedding with her many brothers and sisters in the line. Oakley was one of the flower girls :) (no pics of the wedding, yet)
Oakley "2"
Kadynce "1"
Oakley "3"
We partied out at 'Kangaroo Zoo'. Lots of fun for the kids!
Kenzie "24"
We started the night at Andy's for dinner and then proceeded to a party at our house with friends and family. I loved it!!
"Red solo cup"
JD's "Dirty 30"
We celebrated this milestone in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Kenzie "25"
We went out dancing and watched our friend's band!!! "brown eyed girl" I'm so lucky :)
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